
Dear Reader,

My journey towards creating the NewComm Literary Science framework began with a dream that forever transformed my perspective as a teacher. In this dream, I saw young people using Toni Morrison's novel Song of Solomon as a powerful tool to advocate for policy change in a courtroom. These students, all dressed in their finest suits and dresses, looked confidently at the audience and said they knew the just decision because they dissected Milkman and Pilate. I woke up from that dream knowing that the idea of literature as the foundation for social justice was going to change my life. Since that day, I have embarked on a mission to develop a teaching framework that could harness the transformative power of language, particularly the voices of Black and marginalized authors, to change the world.

Tracy K. Smith, in her introduction to Minor Notes, Vol 1 by Joshua Bennett and Jesse McCarthy, eloquently captures the essence of this mission, stating, "Language is one site where the continuum of Black life can be perceived, where we can hear ourselves talking to one another across generations, landscapes, and the particularities of circumstance." She goes on to emphasize the importance of Black poets in transcending time to foster a collective sense of intergenerational harmony and connectedness.

With the NewComm framework, my hope is to create a vehicle through which learners can engage with these voices to imagine and reimagine our spaces, centering on the lived experiences of minoritized learners. By incorporating literary works from BIPOC authors, the NewComm framework provides students with a unique and urgent perspective on societal issues and empowers them to become agents of change within their communities.

This handbook is my attempt to codify my work, drawing upon years of research, classes, and conversations, so that educators can utilize and adapt the NewComm framework in their own classrooms. As you explore the chapters and resources within this booklet, I hope you will find inspiration and practical guidance to incorporate these powerful narratives into your teaching practice and empower your students to create a more just and equitable world.



Founder and CEO, NewComm PROJECT


Chapter Summaries